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HB76 - Cody's Law Signed into Law!

We are so grateful to so many people for their years of support in getting HB76 - Cody's Law passed. It's been no small effort, and a lot of years and a lot of tears have been spent.

HB76 - Cody's Law puts the choice in parents’ hands whether their child should be screened for the #1 killer of student-athletes: sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).


Parents can get the physical and/or ECG done at school or with their own doctor. Schools are not required to provide ECGs, but of course it's a great service to provide alongside the physical. There is no mandate to have an ECG, rather this is an option for the parent to choose to add an ECG as a proven way to better assess heart health.

Heart screening works: the Cody Stephens Foundation screening program has saved more than 113 lives since Cody died.

Curious what HB76 - Cody's Law means for your school or school district? Click this PDF icon to read our Frequently Asked Questions here:

Thanks to HB76 Co-Sponsor Rep. Briscoe Cain for putting this video together from the House vote on March 26.

Sign up for our monthly newsletter for updates on screening events, our blog and more.

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Thanks to HB76 - Cody's Law, parents now have the option to choose an ECG directly on the UIL preparticipation form.

Organizations Supporting HB76

  • Cody Stephens Foundation

  • Texas High School Coaches' Association

  • Texas State Athletic Trainers Association

  • August Heart

  • The Cameron Juniel Project

  • Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association

  • Mason’s Heart Foundation

  • Holden Strong Foundation

  • National Association of Social Workers - Texas Chapter

  • Run for Sarah

  • Texas School Alliance

  • Texas Rural Education Association

  • Texas Classroom Teachers Association

  • Mayor's Office, City of Houston

  • Brandon Goyne Foundation

  • Coalition of Texans with Disabilities

  • Parent Heart Watch

  • and countless individuals

The Cody Stephens Foundation
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